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A Step-by-Step Installation Guide

This guide is designed to provide a detailed walkthrough for setting up an FPV (First Person View) system using OpenIPC. It is structured into several key steps, from hardware setup to software configuration.

Key Steps Overview

  1. Flashing the Camera and Groundstation with OpenIPC
  2. Connecting Additional Hardware (WiFi Adapters and BECs)
  3. Generating and Installing Key Pairing for WFB-NG
  4. Configuring wfb.conf for Optimal WiFi Channel
  5. Setting up vdec.conf on the Groundstation
  6. Adjusting the majestic.yaml File on the Camera
  7. Testing the Configuration
  8. Additional Resources: Video Tutorial and Next Steps

Note: The initial steps involve hardware setup, which can be intricate, while the later steps focus on software configuration, involving editing configuration files.

Hardware Requirements

Step 1: Flashing the Camera and Groundstation with OpenIPC

Step 1.1: Flashing the Camera

  • Connection Points: Identify the UART connection points on the camera board. Camera Pin out
  • Using FTDI Adapter: Connect the camera to the FTDI adapter for console access.
  • Flashing Process: Use console commands to flash the OpenIPC firmware onto the camera.

Step 1.2: Setting up Serial Terminal Emulation

  • MacOS Instructions: Utilize built-in commands to establish a connection.
  • Windows Instructions: Install and use Putty for serial terminal emulation.

Step 1.3: Setting up a TFTP Server

  • MacOS: Activate the built-in TFTP server.
  • Windows: Install a TFTP server application, such as SolarWinds.

Step 1.4: Getting the Correct Firmware Image

Step 1.5: Opening a Console and Flashing the Camera

  • Boot the camera while connected to the serial console and flash the firmware.
  • Change the camera’s root password for security.

Step 1.6: Flashing the Groundstation

  • Repeat the flashing process with the groundstation NVR board.
  • Utilize an HDMI connector for additional display options.

Step 2: Connecting Additional Hardware (WiFi Adapters and BECs)

  • Connect WiFi modules to the camera and groundstation.
  • Use BECs to regulate voltage for the WiFi modules.

Note: Ensure proper soldering and connections for stable operation. Always attach antennas to the WiFi modules before powering them on.

Step 3: Generating and Installing the Key Pairing for WFB-NG

  • Generate encryption keys using the wfb__keygen command.
  • Transfer the drone.key to the camera and gs.key to the groundstation.

Step 4: Editing wfb.conf to Set the Correct WiFi Channel

  • Configure the WiFi channel in wfb.conf to match your hardware capabilities.
  • Consider channel compatibility and local regulations for optimal performance.

Step 5: Configuring vdec.conf on the Groundstation

  • Update vdec.conf to match the video codec and format used by the camera.
  • Ensure consistency in settings between the camera and groundstation.

Step 6: Configuring the majestic.yaml File on the Camera

  • Adjust settings in majestic.yaml to define video streaming parameters.
  • Align these settings with those expected by the groundstation’s vdec.conf.

Step 7: Testing out the Configuration

  • Power up the camera and groundstation to test the video stream.
  • Troubleshoot any connectivity or streaming issues.

Step 8: Video Tutorial and Next Steps

  • Access a comprehensive video tutorial for visual guidance.
  • Explore further configurations and enhancements for your FPV system.